April 11, 2008

Devastation caused by a Texas Thunder-storm

I am blogging this incident a little less than 24 hours since the thunder storm wrecked havock on Dallas area. I slept fitfully, unperturbed while the thunderstorm ran amok and destroyed everything that came in its way. Some homes lost roofs others had their chimney caps blown away. While some trees were mauled others were mercilessly uprooted by the raging winds. Sometimes I wonder about the weather in Texas, it is supposed to be summer and should be hot as hell. But here if it is hot one day the next day it will be cold and windy and then followed by days of rain, not just water but hail stones pelting down at great speed. The weather could be likened to the mind of a fickle individual, on one thing now and another in the next moment. Let us see what the next couple of months will bring, rain or shine, hail or wind, humidity or chill?

Parking shelter adjacent to our home was torn down by the heavy winds. It is right next to our apartment block. Luckily nothing happened to our building.

This is one of the mid-sized trees in the complex which couldn't withstand nature's fury. The winds tore away one of its healthy branches

Two other trees which were also casuality to the wind's fury

Pictures of devastation both to buildings as well as trees


Dharma Kelleher said...

I'm glad you're OK.

treasured_creatives said...

Thanks for the concern Dharma. I think it is blessings of God and parents, and best wishes of friends that kept our home safe and undisturbed.