April 11, 2008

Another Picture: Yet another byline

Since starting this blog I have received tremendous response, both applause and brickbats. One of the biggest achievements was the pictures on this blog getting selected for a photo feature on the Neighbors Go supplement of the Dallas Morning News. Close at heels to that comes another achievement. One of the pictures I had shot in Arbor Hills Nature Preserve, has been featured in an online tourist guide known as Schmap Gudes.
Do take a look at the guide whose interactive version is placed in the form of a widget below. It would be great to hear your encouraging words, which make me strive towards making my blogs better.


SGE said...

Hi there!

Has promised here's my visit! Nice site you have here, fantastic gadget the map with the photos!


treasured_creatives said...

Thanks for visiting. Look forward to your frequent visits and comments.