June 5, 2013

Measuring Distances and Showing the way!

While I was in downtown Denton recently I chanced upon this nice signage in front of the first United Methodist Church. Interesting subject to discuss about I thought... the distance from earth to heaven... billions of people across the world are in the quest of reaching heaven and they would all benefit from knowing the distance they have to travel to reach there.

After seeing the signage I wonder if there is a short cut to heaven. The distance may be greately shortened if you are a believer and you work towards getting other lost souls to convert and become believers themselves. Anyway going by the size and majesty of the church building I can imagine that there are many people out there trying to go to heaven. This lecture is sure to help them know the distance to heaven and the tools they need to get there asap.

The Majestic church building just off of Courthouse square in Denton, TX.

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