October 13, 2009

Grandfather Clock are regal time machines

Ever since I was a small kid the large grandfather clock in my grandparents place always fascinated me. I have grown into an adult now and still don't own one, though I am quite certain that I will get one soon. Grandfather clocks are big and they occupy quite a bit of space in a home, but they tend to give a regal feel to the entire ambiance of the living room.

I have noticed that several of my friends don't even have a clock in their homes. I find that odd and in fact I'd say their homes have an empty feeling because of the absence of the constant ticking and the hourly chime of a grandfather clock. I am glad that I am not alone in this passion. There are several people out there like me who love their grandfather clocks and give them the pride of place in their homes. I recently came across this Blog which talks about the various aspects of grandfather clocks while giving useful tips for a better life.

I know that sometime in the near future I will own a grandfather clock, but for now I content myself by looking at the fantastic pictures online and the real ones in the store or at few of my friends homes.

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