March 24, 2008

New finds in Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

Couple of days ago we had gone to Arbor hills for a walk... possibly the 10th time so far. But every time I have walked in Arbor hills I have discovered something new a different facet of this nature preserve. It is small, only about 200 acres but full of surprises, nature and attractions. This time I also had a fleeting glimpse of a Bobcat, a species of wild cat which scampered into the bushes at lightening speed.

But the highlight of this visit was finding a small lake in the middle of the preserve which is home to several turtles. At the first glance we saw several of them sun-bathing on a rock at the edge of the lake. As I walked around the banks and neared them one by one all of them jumped into the water out of fright. I have begun to like Arbor hills very much and feel like visiting the place more often. Here are some pictures I shot at Arbor hills, I hope you will enjoy them and give me your feedback.

Ants building their nest after resting and enjoying the stored food all winter.

Lake in Arbor Hills Nature Preserve, hadn't chanced upon it during my previous visits.

Another view of the lake, the shadow of the sky looks blue but the lens couldn't capture the sky as blue... I guess I am making some mistake in the camera settings. But the picture looks nice.

Several trees such as these have shed leaves during fall and autumn/ winter. In the next couple of months they will sprout new leaves and become lush green.

Miniature purple blossoms present a pretty sight. In winter it was the sight of red fruit filled trees now it is the sight of trees full of flowers, white, yellow, purple etc that offer colour to sore eyes.

The hiking trail which was brown last month is now green and beautiful. I am glad that spring is here.

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